/manager/Index en-au 5 Detecting and (re)solving conflicts in French crime fiction: introduction /manager/Repository/uon:23090 bande dessinée, the graphic novel that has such a strong tradition in France and Belgium, as well as film and television—and it becomes clear that crime narratives possess a powerful cultural voice, one that has the potential to go beyond their value as entertainment. Above all, they offer the perfect framework within which to explore conflict of all kinds. While the form, in its French embodiment, has evolved considerably from its American-inspired beginnings when Gallimard’s Série Noire was established by Marcel Duhamel in the aftermath of the Second World War, its central topoi of investigator versus criminal, of good versus evil, of past crime versus present justice, are inherently conflictual.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:53:23 AEST ]]> Getting under the skin to read the signs: the call of classical myths and mysteries in Leigh Redhead's 'Peepshow' /manager/Repository/uon:26473 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:27:16 AEDT ]]> Conflicts of publishing interests, or a conflicted case of translation? Which orchids for Miss Blandish? /manager/Repository/uon:26472 Pas d'orchidées pour Miss Blandish still resonates today. But it seems fair to say that it is this French title, as opposed to the 'original' English, that still has currency, and specifically in the contexts of French Studies and, in the public space, among those fans who frequent such bookshops as Paris's famous L'Amour du noir. This French face of James Hadley Chase's first novel has to all intents and purposes outperformed its original English avatar in both public and esoteric circles alike. Yet, despite this relative decline in recognition, the English version continues to exist, and furthermore continues to change shape, as if in response to a market demand, however virtual this may be.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:27:15 AEDT ]]>